Amysta helps organizations to efficiently control their Private and Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure by providing resources usage visibility, cost governance, and capacity scrutiny.
The deployment of private and public clouds, such as Amazon Web Services, within the Enterprise IT Infrastructure, accelerates and increases the provisioning of virtual servers, storage and network resources. As a result, IT infrastructure usage and cost become exponentially critical to control.
Amysta brings Clouds usage metering, rating, showback/billing, and capacity analysis capabilities to support the Business Units and IT Department in their effort to reduce their Organization Operational Expenditure (OPEX), while allowing them to reach higher business agility and better allocation of IT resources towards business opportunities and game-changing innovations.
Clear view of Cloud Infrastructure resources utilization and costs correlated with business capacity fulfillment positions IT departments as a business enabler instead of a cost center.
Amysta provides real time visibility into Cloud components utilization (e.g. Application/OS, VMs, storage, network) for any users or any Business Units. Amysta collects actual usage from Cloud infrastructure resources data via the cloud OS/Orchestrator layer such as Apache CloudStack and Accelerite CloudPlatform.
Polled raw data are processed and transformed into structured and displayable metrics. Produced metrics are consolidated into KPIs and further correlated with the Cloud Service offerings and pricing in order to provide with meaningful Charts and Dashboards.
Amysta let Organizations to implement a transparent cost model and provides them with a comprehensive cost management framework, which includes: the pricing and rating of the Infrastructure services and resources; the budgeting and alerting for the Business Units and users; and an all-in-one consolidated view of the expenses and consumptions of your public and private clouds.
Amysta summary dashboards, detailed consumption reports, and user benchmarking will help you containing your cloud sprawl, managing your possible excessive resource consumption, and trimming down your costs.
Amysta prices and rates all Cloud Infrastructure-wide resources and service offerings.
Amysta automatically discovers the Service Offerings that you have already set into your Orchestration engine, which will avoid you making extra effort and likely errors when handling your data inputs.
Amysta allows to set-up budget at user and Business Unit levels. Budget can be set per month or per year. Different budgeting thresholds can be set to alerting users, Business Unit's managers, or any financial stakeholders to pro-actively circumvent over-budget situation.
Amysta simplifies your Cloud cost management by consolidating in an all-in-one view all your public and private clouds expenses and consumptions.
Amysta also eases your cost benchmarking between your public cloud such as Amazon Web Services and your Private Cloud consumption costs.
Amysta provides transparency to Cloud users with the actual cloud's spending through its billing framework. This is making IT Users and Business Units accountable and responsible of their real usage of the Organization Cloud Infrastructure Services.
Amysta offers advanced reports and charts, along with the ability to generate and export refined data and custom reports in HTML & CSV formats.
Cloud users and business units spending accountability Amysta allows you to track usage and costs on a monthly and daily basis.
Cloud users will have access to their PDF showback statements via Amysta's User-Portal. Cloud users will find transparency throughout their actual usage. Business Unit or Line of Business Managers will be able to analyze cloud costs per user and keep track of historical data.
Amysta allows you to automatically distribute on a cloud user basis monthly usage statements via email, and stores the billing history. ChargeBack statements will provide you with various breakdown categories of the cloud usages and associated costs per: Application/OS templates, Running VMs, Stopped VMs, storage, network.
As part of the "Continual Service Improvement", in the "Service Design" section ITIL defines the "Capacity Management" as responsible for the understanding of the utilization, performance and capacity of IT services and components.
Amysta collects, records, consolidates and correlates data on the Cloud Infrastructure service offerings and resources consumptions and the pattern of usage over time allowing future analysis for the purpose of "Capacity Planning". Thus, Amysta helps CIO keeping IT aligned with Business capacity requirement and agility, and shifting the IT focus towards the strategic value of his/her Organization opportunities.
Amysta collects and records Cloud Infrastructure service offerings and resources consumptions precise historical data allowing further detailed usage and expenditure trends analyses.
Amysta consolidates and correlates various data into usage and over time patterns, and provides with dedicated analytics and dashboards allowing to plan and budget capacity and scalability on the Cloud Infrastructure service offerings and resources.